Personal Information

Profile Created For: SisterMarital Status: Never Married

Age: 25 Mother Tongue: Hindi

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Contact Information   

Email Id: ************ HIDDEN INFORMATION *******************

Mobile Number: ********* HIDDEN INFORMATION ***********

Whatsapp Number: ************ HIDDEN INFORMATION **********

Address: ************ HIDDEN INFORMATION *******************

Address 2: ************ HIDDEN INFORMATION *******************

Religious Information

Religion: Christian Religious Values: Strict
Water Baptism: No
Ornaments: Yes

Location Information

Country: India Present Location: Kanpur
Permanent Location: Kanpur
City: Kanpur
Citizenship: India Place of Birth: Kanpur

Family Information

Mother’s Name: Reena Fernandez
Family Status: Upper Middle Class Mother’s Job: House Wife
Father’s Name: Fernandez No of Brothers: 1
Father’s Job: Business No. of Sisters: 1

Bio Information

Other Information

Drinking Habits: Social Food Habits: Non-Vegetarian
Smoking Habits: No

Partner Preferences

Religion: Christian Education: Masters Degree or Above Monthly Income: 600000 & Above
Occupation: Managerial Positions
City: Kanpur Marital Status: Never Married
Citizenship: India Physical Status: Normal
Citizenship: India

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